Studies show that many sleep problems are associated with insulin resistance, prediabetes, and diabetes and have a significant impact on glucose tolerance. For example, there is experimental evidence that if you take healthy volunteers and force them into a schedule where sleep does not occur consistently during the night, the result is a decrease in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
Multiple studies have shown that repeated awakenings during the night, insufficient sleep, excessive sleep, and irregular sleep all promote glucose intolerance. Furthermore, if a person has prediabetes or diabetes, poor sleep will worsen the condition.
Further studies show that after controlling for factors such as age, body mass index, being sedentary, and family history, and excluding people who have diabetes, participants who slept for short durations were about 40% more likely than those with 7 to 8 hours of sleep to develop diabetes.
In addition a study of over 88,000 people found that your bedtime is also linked with your risk of heart disease.The research — using data from the UK Biobank study — showed that people who regularly go to bed after 11 pm have a 12% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those who go to bed between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Good sleep is one of the pillars of health…. if you need help with your sleep routine or are suffering with insomnia then we are here to help. From our Nightcap Herbal Tea, Herbal Sleep Tonic, relaxing yoga classes and expert 1-1 practitioner support we are passionate about sleep and ensuring this key foundation is optimised.
Just be in touch for more information ! ……